A Cigars Tale - benefit for Autism
One of our sisters of the leaf has, @Nomotiv_Enj, started an Autism Awareness Campaign and created a Twitter account (@Cigars4aCause) dedicated to bringing awareness to Autism. Currently she has come up with a cigar raffled theme to help raise money for autism. On raffleriver.com/?r=3896 you can buy chances for $5 each on several cigar related baskets that include multiple items from cigars, hats, whiskey, glasses and much, much more.
On @Cigars4aCause you will find these baskets that you can win to benefit bestbuddies.org. Go by and see what could be in your home and know that by purchasing a chance you will be helping a worthwhile cause. Many items were donated by cigar manufactures, cigar enthusiasts, and many more. Don’t delay! Go and get you chances now and win some awesome swag and be a part of an important cause.