A Message from Don Doroteo Cigars
Legacy is fundamental to what it means to be human, without the sense of purposeful work, one loses meaning in their life. In 1936, Doroteo Fermin Delgado decided to follow in his late father’s footsteps by growing tobacco in the heart of Santiago, Dominican Republic. At the tender age of 16, he began his legacy – for his descendants, his community, and ultimately for the world. He never imagined the impact he would have on this industry, for years to come.
When it comes to legacy, few cigars possess the richness and abundance present in the Don Doroteo, El Legado, blended by Manuel Inoa – La Aurora’s very own Master Blender. In commemoration of the 86th year anniversary of Doroteo’s reignited partnership with La Aurora, an exclusive batch of Robusto samplers were set aside and will be available during the 2022 PCA, in booth #142.
Each cigar is aged to perfection. This masterful blend of flavors, body, and robustness has been waiting 14 years to be released to the public! Don Doroteo’s signature blend carries deep flavors of spicy notes like black pepper in the beginning, Wooden presence is evident all along the smoke, getting richer with bright cinnamon shades, nuts and even citric tips. Finishing off with a creamy resonance throughout its distinct body.
‘El Legado’ make up as follows:
Wrapper: Sumatra seed grown in Ecuador
Binder: Sumatra seed grown in Ecuador
Filler: Colombia, Cibao Valley (Dominican republic) , Nicaragua
Tasting notes: An outright beginning, dominated by spicy notes like black pepper. It opens the smoke to give way to more complex and delicate flavors. Wooden presence is evident all along the smoke, but getting richer with bright cinnamon shades, nuts and even citric tips. It finishes powerful and creamy, up to the heights you have expected.