Caldwell The Industrialist is now available as a limited-edition release on Cigora, a digital platform that curates special premium cigar offerings for discerning smokers.
Handcrafted at HATSA in Honduras, Caldwell The Industrialist is made with a silky Connecticut Shade wrapper, a Connecticut Broadleaf binder and a blend of Honduran, Nicaraguan, Dominican tobaccos. The experience is layered and rewarding, delivering notes of cream, cinnamon and white pepper.
Robert Caldwell said, “Caldwell The Industrialist represents a commitment I share with Cigora, and that is to bring to life exciting releases that fill a gap in the boutique segment of the market. With the Industrialist, I identified the need for a box-pressed Connecticut that is as complex as it is approachable. I married the blend with a name that speaks to the inspirational nature of cigars, and with imagery that’s meant to spark conversation.”
The blend’s singular vitola is called “Toro” and measures 6” x 50.
Caldwell The Industrialist is available in a five-pack (SRP $52.99) and a 20-count box (SRP $199.99).
About Cigora
A digital platform that integrates community and commerce, Cigora represents the future of cigars online. With Cigora, members of the cigar community have a virtual cigar lounge where they can voice their opinions on cigar and non-cigar related topics, give and receive recommendations and engage with their favorite brands. Cigora is like a virtual cigar shop where conversation flows and a curated selection of the hottest cigar brands are just a few keystrokes away.