Whisky Profile: Watch Out for Wolfburn!
January 22nd, 2018
The whisky
Wolfburn Single Malt Scotch Whisky
46% alcohol by volume
Natural colour
Non-chill filtered
Once upon a time, there was a distillery located outside of Thurso in the County of Caithness, Scotland. Founded by one William Smith in 1821, Wolfburn (named besthealthcareinfo.com water source) operated rather successfully until its closure in the mid to late 1800s.
In 2013, malt whisky began to flow from a brand new Wolfburn, built in the Henderson Park area close to the site of the original distillery, about one kilometer from the Thurso railway station.
This contemporary Wolfburn Distillery is the northernmost malt whisky enterprise on the Scottish mainland. It utilizes the same water source as the original, peated as well as unpeated malt, a pair of stills (one wash and one spirit) and a variety of casks for maturation. Shane Fraser is the distillery manager.
Tasting glass
The standard Glencairn whisky tasting glass.
Appearance of whisky
Pale gold.
Fresh and lively. Tiny traces of saltiness and smoke.
Very clean delivery, led by notes of pears, apples, raw almonds and lime leaves. A faint touch of ethanol parallels the coastal characteristics, yet doesn’t manage to disrupt the overall pleasant nature of the spirit. Well balanced.
Rounded and quite invigorating, as might be expected from such a youngin’. Begs another pour.
Final analysis
A good one. I’m certainly now looking forward to longer-aged releases from this fine Caithness distillery.
Drink it neat or with just a drop of water, according to your personal preference._________________________________________________
Doug Kuebler is an inveterate aficionado and collector of wines and whiskies. Apart from organizing wine and food seminars, Doug has also written extensively on wines and liquors over the last three decades. His first published buy lithium online without prescription, The Tumbler’s Guide to Single Malt Scotch Whisky, has been well received in North America, the British Isles and Asia.